Somatic Enneagram Certification


Basic Introduction to Somatic Awareness Practice

February     23rd ,5 PM - 11:45 PM  Egypt local time, 7 AM PST 

February    24th , 6 PM -11:30 PM  Egypt local time,  8 AM PST 

February   25th h6PM- 11:30 PM Egypt local time, 8 AM PST

Total: 16 Credit hours 

Online Via Zoom

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What is Somatic Enneagram 

The promise of the Enneagram is that we can recognize patterns of behavior in ourselves and in others, according to nine different views.

This can help us have a greater understanding and compassion for the different ways we think, feel, and sense. As we have added the Somatic (Soma means “body” in Greek) aspect of the cognitive-emotional map, transformation can take place through an integration of the three centers of intelligence: Head, Heart, and Body.

At the heart of our work with the Enneagram is the process of increasing awareness of ourselves — how and why we react as we do and where this is experienced. A critical part of this awareness is the “felt sense” in the body. We are often able to obscure and deceive ourselves by following our highly conditioned cognitive-emotional patterns. By listening to the body, we can access these operating patterns at their roots. This enables us to free ourselves from automatically following these impulses and reenacting our type patterns.This program teaches how to skillfully use the Somatic Awareness Practice. This practice strengthens our capacity to stay present longer to the uncomfortable sensation of the highly defended aspect of our type structures in order to free the life force contained within it.

Ultimately, this leads to a more peaceful and resourceful state of being with greater resilience, restoration, and balance, and a grounded platform of receptivity in which we can experience our lives from present-moment awareness. The relationship within reflects the relationship we have without. When we have the capacity to open ourselves to our lives, we can experience a greater connection with the original state of who we are meant to be: open-minded, open-hearted and compassionate, plus, grounded in our physical presence, and fully in touch with the free-flowing life force, sustaining us and connecting us with spirit.

Type in the body 

Understand the somatic profile of your type. 

Increase resilience 

Increasing the capacity to be present hence increases your resilience level.

Emotional Regulation 

By freeing the life force contained within the type structure you increase your emotional regulation capabilities  

Highlights of Module 1 

Learn about the foundational elements and methods of the Somatic Enneagram through personal and panel inquiry. In this practice, we learn to use our body’s intelligence to relax type structure and cultivate inner resources, allowing ourselves to return to a grounded and receptive way to experience a more open way to meet ourselves, others, and the world at large.

  • Three-Centers Awareness
  • The Mind of Absolute Trust
  • Foundational Elements of Somatic Awareness Practice
  • Somatic Awareness Method in Working with Type Structure
  • Types based  Panels and practical exercises

Take your Enneagram understanding to a deeper level 

February 23rd ,5 PM - 11:45 PM Egypt local time, 7 AM PST 

February 24th , 6 PM -11:30 PM Egypt local time, 8 AM PST 

February 25th, 6PM- 11:30 PM Egypt local time, 8 AM PST

Total: 16 Credit hours 

Online Via Zoom

Marion Gilbert, RPT

Workshop Facilitator

Marion Gilbert, R.P.T., has been practicing physical therapy since 1978 and is the owner of a well established physical therapy practice and movement studio in Grass Valley, CA. She has extensive training in Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Somato-Emotional Release, and Trauma Resolution. She has been actively using the Enneagram professionally and personally since 2003. Marion emphasizes using somatic experience for the facilitation of personal and spiritual transformation in the Narrative Tradition of the Enneagram and is an Advisory Board member of the Enneagram Prison Project (EPP). Marion is also an adjunct faculty member of the nonprofit, The Narrative Enneagram (TNE), and currently teaches her own proprietary Somatic Enneagram Certification Training. She has co-taught “Deepening Spiritual Awareness,” part of the Enneagram Professional Training Program (EPTP) and advanced Enneagram curriculum.


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